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Current version by: Liam


Not enough reputation to patrol?


Hi there, I’m noticing that some accounts with a reputation of 1 are making changes to some guides, and through the patrol section, I apparently don’t have enough reputation to patrol the edit. I find this odd as they were able to edit the guide with such a low reputation. When this happens, I’m able to go to the guide myself and manually correct the change and the patrol item disappears, but reputation limits on patrols higher than edit reputation limits makes no sense if it’ll be implemented immediately. See below photos for an example.[br]








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Original post by: Liam


Not enough reputation to patrol?


Hi there, I’m noticing that some accounts with a reputation of 1 are making changes to some guides, and through the patrol section, I apparently don’t have enough reputation to patrol the edit. I find this odd as they were able to edit the guide with such a low reputation. When this happens, I’m able to go to the guide myself and manually correct the change and the patrol item disappears, but reputation limits on patrols higher than edit reputation limits makes no sense if it’ll be implemented immediately. See below photos for an example.[br]








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