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Current version by: Aaron Schwab


Thanks for the feedback guys, keep it coming!
-'''Alex''', my team also thought the battery was probably the most easy to re-purpose as well, we'll keep exploring that. Other things we've considered are the screen, speakers and battery supply.
+'''Alex''', my team also thought the battery was probably the most easy to re-purpose as well, we'll keep exploring that. Other things we've considered are the screen, speakers and power supply.
'''Nicks''', we're thinking our target market is those who have bought a new phone and want to get rid of their old phone, rather than people with broken phones. The latter is a valid target, but we're thinking quite a bit smaller than the former.



Original post by: Aaron Schwab


Thanks for the feedback guys, keep it coming!

'''Alex''', my team also thought the battery was probably the most easy to re-purpose as well, we'll keep exploring that. Other things we've considered are the screen, speakers and battery supply.

'''Nicks''', we're thinking our target market is those who have bought a new phone and want to get rid of their old phone, rather than people with broken phones. The latter is a valid target, but we're thinking quite a bit smaller than the former.

