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Does anyone know where I can obtain a copy of the maintenance DVD for the early Mac Pro? I want to be able to test the...
Read moreHow do I to stop receiving solution emails. I visit the site daily to check on things and don't want to cancel to stop...
Read moreWhy is the top bar on Answers black. Its very hard to read items on it.
Read moreSpam at Was apparently removed 30...
Read moreCheck out Edward Lopez.
Read moreThe following individual is spamming all over the place--even sending auto repairs to his computer repair site. Link to...
Read moreI know Richard was due to have more surgery and have not seen or heard from him in some time. Would really like to know if...
Read moreThis same post was denied archive last month because there were multiple answers so why is it on the list AGAIN to be...
Read morePlease clear this posters spam!
Read moreWhy is this question with a score of 10 and 6 answers being archived as unanswerable?...
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Once a year I take a package of old but workable gear to my local high school with a tech program. They are used to demonstrate how things are built and work. Sometimes they make a functioning computer and give it to a needy family Check with your local schools and see if they have a program
Read moreThe simple answer is the makers of the computers will sell you a restore disk if you can verify ownership of the computer. Google the maker and contact the customer support department. Good luck.
Read moreIf you use a keyboard and mouse I would stay away from it. Windows 7 is a good OS but still not secure enough for me. Selling my custom build and returning to Apple. Currently using Leopard in my G5 and Snow Leopard in my Mini.
Read moreHere is a link on how to contact the iFixit staff.
Read moreAbsolutely not! We'd love to have your repair here. If you check the list of things worked on you will find a wide range of devices. Look under lawn and garden section you will find nearly 60 posts on lawn mowers. Welcome aboard and by all means please post your solutions!
Read moreHi, Your computer will only run OS-9 in "Classic" mode so you would need OS -10 installed first and then OS-9 in Classic mode. Only early iBook 3's will boot directly into OS-9. You should be able to get by with Panther (OS-10.3) but a better solution would be to obtain a copy of OS-10.4 Tiger. Good luck.
Read moreHi, You need to install OS9 for "classic" support--your computer will not boot into OS9. Check the install disk you used to install Tiger for additional installs to load OS9. You must have loaded the OS9 drivers when you installed Tiger. Link provided to the Apple guide on installing classic. If you don't have the disk you will need to buy a RETAIL copy to do the installs. Good luck.
Read moreIt should make no difference so long as the CPU is above 800 MHZ. Only one model of the first year had that low of a CPU so most versions should be OK. I would max my memory if I planned on using Leopard.
Read moreYou will find most shelters for battered women actively search for phones they can reprogram to only dial 911 to give to abused women as a safety device. They are very careful to completely erase any existing programing. I have given several phones to local shelters and have always found them appreciated.
Read moreI have read somewhere that a Mini was built into a slimline briefcase. As I recall the Mini and powerpack were installed on the bottom and a LCD in the lid. Plenty of room for the cables and mouse/keyboard. Made for a interesting laptop(?) that did not look like one. I am including a link to a page with several post on the subject. Good luck.
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