How to avoid copyright infringement.

This text was from a question that is not repair related, but got off topic comments that are good advice for avoiding copyright issues. (the old question will be deleted as I own it)

"Thank you! I’ve been mostly copying and pasting from Apples site and only using the important info. It takes a while to copy and paste on my phone. I hope I haven’t been taking copyright material, I’ll check.

January 15 by Padraic Hoselton

@jeffsu I have a question about copyright. If a site says "all rights reserved" is it fine if I use it?

January 15 by Padraic Hoselton

@paperboypaddy "All rights reserved" means Apple reserves the right to give other people permission to use it. While they will probably not pursue litigation for copying spec sheets, we'd prefer you not post any directly copy-pasted content on iFixit.

Instead, paraphrase the content, modify or condense it it slightly, or just post a link to it instead.

January 15 by Evan Noronha"

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I don't get what your mean? The post shouldn't have been deleted?


@captainsnowball I think you should delete this post and add it on to the other copyright infringement post. Too much unnecessary noise here.

Something about copyright infringement


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