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Where is my comments? Where is my Answer?

I see where I have commented n hours ago, and there is nothing there.

Also see that I have answered something n hours ago, and there is nothing there.

Is my clock bad ???

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Now that there appears to be some more date-confusion with others... see "Time & Date stamps..." posted 2day.

2day is Friday.

Apr.10'18 @ 2:37 PM

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2day is Saturday.

Yesterday, I commented on a Canon SX150 camera repair.

As I reviewed it, I thought of something to add.

2day, there's no mention of any such activity, plus the Search funkshun, can't find anything.


Tom Shafer do you remember what the question was about? The only recent comment made by you on a Canon SX150 is on here

Search function with term like Canon SX150 worked for me....


My Search for 'canon sx150' produces "NOT FOUND"


My profile history shows:


Wrote comment "Re: Where is my comments? Where is my Answer?".

@ 01:55:44 PM


Answered "Where is my comments? Where is my Answer?"

@ 02:38:03 PM

Wrote comment "Re: Where is my comments? Where is my Answer?".

@ 02:31:19 PM

Wrote comment "Re: Problem with IFIXIT fonts?".

@ 02:14:47 PM

Wrote comment "Re: Time & date stamps in Questions, Answers & Comments messed up!".

@ 01:41:33 PM

Voted "Time & date stamps in Questions, Answers & Comments messed up!" up.

@ 01:41:28 PM

Earned Problem Solver Badge

@ 12:37:13 PM


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Most Helpful Answer

Hi Tom, where are you seeing "commented n hours ago"?

According to your activity page, you posted an Answer to the driver question, and no comments.

Block Image

I don't see anything deleted or marked as spam. Is it possible the comment didn't go through?

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Following my answer, is a comment marked "yesterday by: Philip Le Riche "

I added a second comment AFTER Philip's. It began with "I repair" .... to discuss 5/32" tools.

It appears that the comment did not go through.

Unfortunately, I did not notebook my comment, so I'll pass.

Remember when we would write text with a favorite editor, copy it, then paste into a web page, because our telephone-modem was so slow ?

A noted news correspondent called that 'notebooking'. LOL




Yeah it looks like comments are going through as expected now. I can't find the comments on the driver extension though, so it seems as though they're lost to the ether, sorry about that! Please let me know if you continue to have trouble.


Tom, I hate to suggest it, but it sounds like Mint Linux is causing a lot of strange issues. Maybe its time to switch back to a natural Ubuntu disto, and since they have dumped Unity for Gnome again it would be a good time to try the new LTS coming out this month.


Oh no, no, I'm a distro-hopper, I try all the lastest toys and gismos.

Mint is my best-tee-shirt since Windoze-ME. Mint just happens to be 64-bit. XFWM is my desktop-manager. That alone, should explain my tastes.

If I may comment; "a natural??? Ubuntu distro" You are kidding, yes ?

My DVD stack of Ubuntu(s) is 11 disks. Only PUPPY, is larger than that. My Mint are 4 disks, and 1 of those came free in a LINUX magazine !

BTW: I suspect that Unity-->Gnome, is NOT the Gnome you think it is.



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I see these comments from you. Is there something else?

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1 Comment:

Read........... Wish list: Skinny 1/4" driver extension

Wednesday, I added a second comment to my existing answer.

That comment does not appear. However, my old ANSWER was re-dated with wednesday date !

This is comment#1 for Thursday.


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I hate to beat-a-dead-horse, but, what happens when your comment exceeds the 1024-character-limit ?

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When you click the "Post comment" button you should see a red banner that says "you're over the limit", and if you click anywhere, the note will disappear. Then you can trim your comment and post it in two, or more, halves.


Tom, if you hang around long enough, you will find out some dead horses are actually zombie horses, so you really have to beat them.



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