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Not enough reputation to patrol?

Hi there, I’m noticing that some accounts with a reputation of 1 are making changes to some guides, and through the patrol section, I apparently don’t have enough reputation to patrol the edit. I find this odd as they were able to edit the guide with such a low reputation. When this happens, I’m able to go to the guide myself and manually correct the change and the patrol item disappears, but reputation limits on patrols higher than edit reputation limits makes no sense if it’ll be implemented immediately. See below photos for an example.

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Hi Liam,

With a little more digging we found some more information that might help explain this. First off, there isn’t a preset reputation requirement to accept/deny edits. The minimum is based on the edit threshold set on each individual guide. The default is 500 reputation, but the guide author can lower that if they want to. So, theoretically there’s a “soft minimum” to patrol since most people don’t change that default setting.

  • Example: An edit falls into patrol for a guide that has a 700 reputation threshold. This means that someone below 700 reputation made the edit. This also means that anyone with 700 or more rep can accept/deny that edit in patrol.

Second, I absolutely understand your frustration. It can feel strange when someone makes a wrong edit to a guide and you can’t accept/deny that edit in patrol. iFixit is a wiki where anyone can collaborate and make edits. It does show a banner that there are unverified edits to warn users of new and unverified information.

Last, and hopefully this eases your mind, the tech writing team actively clears the patrol log three times a week, and community moderators look through them as well, so any wrong mistakes should hopefully be corrected relatively quickly.

Let us know if you have any other questions and we’ll be happy to explain more!

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Hi Liam,

Thanks for your post! You are correct in that users with a reputation of 1 cannot make edits to a guide without moderation approval. In this case, it looks like this user’s edits were denied.

You may have been able to see the suggested edits before they were denied, as indicated by this banner:

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I hope this addresses your concern!

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I understand that, but my question is why can an account with a reputation of 1 make changes that are immediately visible (even with a banner) but an account with a reputation of over 500 or whatever can't deny that change even when it's blatantly wrong? Is there a reputation threshold on patrolling some guides? And if so why is there not the same reputation threshold on making edits visible so new and low reputation accounts can still suggest an edit, but it doesn't immediately get shown on the site? Maybe I'm missing something but thanks for your response!


@smashedliam Hi Liam,

I'm working with the tech writers for some answers to your question. Once I hear back, I'll be able to clarify and hopefully provide more insight to your concerns!


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