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Spam Folder June 2021

Welcome to June! Please post any spammy content you find on iFixit so @jogihara@kristen, @amber and I can get to them. Thanks!

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Thanks @amber for taking over the spam folder for the week while I was away! I'm still available to help with spam but @amber will be transitioning into the role as the main Spam handler : )

We appreciate you all posting spammy content here. You are the best! Thank you!


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18 Replies

pretty sure this is spam being hidden in a question,

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Hi Dylan, thanks for spotting this one! I agree, it did seem like spam. I've taken care of the account. Thanks again!


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Hi @sarahw,

The iRobot took care of deleting the spam but maybe you should clear it out 3967189


Might have another voting ring here. Very suspicious upvoting activity amongst all these users all around the same time and also in the past, lots of votes all around the same time frames. All to answers linking the same website. Some have been users for months and others just recent.










Always promotes the same website 3830800


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Hi @jayeff! I agree with you about the voting ring—great catch! I've taken care of all of the accounts. Thank you : ) Have a good week!


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Hi @sarahw


Hope you have a good week too ;-)


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Hi @jayeff, thank you! This account is all taken care of : )


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Hi @sarahw,



I think that these two questions are too coincidental. I’m wondering if they’ve been posted by one and the same user having different User IDs?

I had previously contacted the 2nd user (3964468) via a comment and suggested that they not recommend a website. They replied that they didn’t mean to advertise, so I deleted both their response and my comment (see Show Deleted) and left the question to be answered by others.

Going back to it just now I see that they have edited their question (see Question History) and now they have actually linked the website.

Makes me even more doubtful as to their real purpose. I think that it’s spam.


I’ve banned them as they were getting too active. 3969225


These four users always promote the same website and occasionally upvote each other very soon after answering. Another voting ring or perhaps just one person??

3953829, 3872812, 3940146, 3925973



It’s getting busier;-)


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Hi @jayeff, wow! It is getting busier. Thank you for all your hard work! I've taken care of all of the accounts except one. I left because I didn't see that account post links in their answers. Please let me know if I missed that. I can see that they are probably associated with the other account but for now, I think we'll leave them. If they start posting links, we'll ban them too! Thanks again! : )


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Hello, I was just moderating a few spammy answers from this user ( when I noticed that they have already been flagged multiple times in the past as well. May as well ban the user altogether ;-).

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Hi @refectio, thanks for pointing this one out. I'm not sure why the account wasn't taken care of earlier but it is now! They were pretty prolific. Thanks again! : )


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Hey, this isnt spam, but i was wondering if you could say something to this user about not promoting their own question in an answer? I’m not too sure what you think of this.

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Hi Dylan, thanks for letting us know about this one. We will look into it and take care of it! Have a great weekend :)


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Hi @sarahw,

It didn’t take them that long to edit their question with a link 3969467 Leopard and spots come to mind ;-)

I think that this edit needs to be denied. Not sure about this edit by the same user

Always links the same website 3688419




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Hi @jayeff, thank you for finding all of these users : ) I denied the edits and took care of the rest of the users as well! I guess it was just a matter of time before the one was going to attach links to their answers too. Happy Monday : )


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Hi @sarahw

2968510 Been around for a while but I guess that you can’t stay hidden forever.

Just a heads up if it comes to anything. I deleted the answer to this question by this user due to their provocative and offensive avatar which I believe has no place on the forum. I also think that they should be banned but that may be just me.

iRobot took care of the spam but maybe needs to be banned and cleared out - self promoting 3552162



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Hi @jayeff, thanks for cleaning all of these up! I took care of all of the accounts including the one with the offensive avatar. Just a heads up, in case I don't get a chance—I'm going to be out of town next week so I think @amber will be taking care of Spam while I'm gone. I hope you have a good week too! Thanks again : )


I will be!

I'll also check this folder regularly so if anyone forgets to tag me, I'll still see the spam. :)


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Hi @sarahw,


3918222 Always links the same website

Hope you have a good time next week ;-) Take care and stay safe.


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Hi @jayeff, thanks for the posts! I've taken care of the accounts. I'm excited for a vacation : ) Thanks!


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Hi @sarahw,



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Hi @jayeff! Thanks for this one—they are taken care! Have a great weekend :)



Thanks Sarah.

Have a great vacation, enjoy! ;-)



Thanks @jayeff! I'm looking forward to it! : ) Talk to you in a week!


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@sarahw this user has been here entirely to long :-)

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Oof, reading that user profile was a journey. They've overstayed their welcome and I've given them the boot. Thanks for the heads up, @oldturkey03!


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Hi @nick, Thanks for finding this! That user seems busy- I'll get this mess cleaned up!


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@amber time for the battery man to get discharged. Had some decent answer couple years ago but ran out of juice……

Just noticed @nick and I may have been working on the same situation

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That's why I posted a answer. Old question but that's the best way around it. Can't easily spam a question with a better solution. The $40-50 difference is negligible, tbh. Worth it for a second tool you may need :-).

The part about refurbs is more or less because if you can wait on a killer sale (cannot have an immediate need for new batteries) it's often close to break even that way, but patience is part of that. Refurb power tools are generally a non-issue anyway; usually means it was returned and only seen a few hours of use.


@nick @oldturkey03 Indeed! I plan on taking some time today to dive down this rabbit hole and clean up this and and other messes they've made.


@amber Hopefully my recommendation puts some of it to bed for good, at least there.


Okay, and what a rabbit hole it was! Let's just say our site is now about 7 spammy accounts and 30+ comments cleaner.

Thanks folks!! @nick @oldturkey03


@amber thank you for taking care of that :-)


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@amber seems to me like this one needs to pack up her minitools and move on

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@oldturkey03 I got stuck on this one for a bit... She used to participate pretty well.

I deleted all of the really spammy stuff, suspended her for a bit, and sent a really scary (a polite warning) email. Hopefully a smack on the wrist puts her back on track to giving good advice. I have it in my calendar to check on her in a few weeks to make sure she's still following the rules, or she'll get the boot.


@amber sounds definitely like the right thing to do. I noticed as well that her answer are not always wrong or just spam. Just of lately have they been accompanied by her minitools link. We'll just have to watch her for a bit. Thanks for being kind.


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Hi @amber ,

3975223 Advertises the same website.

3985856 needs to go.


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They're all gone. Thanks for sending those over, @jayeff!


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Hi @sarahw ,

Welcome back. Hope you had a great time ;-)

Not spam but came across this guide and found it confusing as to when and why it was altered.

The title shows it is for a SuperSonic Matrix Mid SC-8809 display Repair rather than just an overall repair guide for the various components. Also when selecting any individual component guide for repair they show that it is for a SuperSonic Matrix Mid SC-999 model.

I don’t know if they are similar or not but I think that the original guide was for a SC-999 and not a SC-8809 as this seems to be what is shown in the earliest revision 04/15/16 by the author Josh Lewis.

I know that I should be able to edit it but thought I’d get a 2nd opinion on this


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Hi @jayeff, thanks for catching this! I've updated the title so it has the correct model number reflected now. And I had a great vacation—thank you! : )

Not sure if you saw my comment at the top of the page but @amber will be taking the lead on spam for now, but of course I am here to help as well as @kristen, and @jogihara. It's been really fun handling the spam folder for the last two years and I really appreciate working with you and all the moderators. I'm here as backup for @amber but it looks like in just a week she has it down! : )

Thank you!


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Strange account spamming external links on some old questions on meta… weird

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Good catch, all taken care of!


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One more for the month! 3909957

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Got 'em. Thanks, @danj!


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