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Introducing The Translation Folder!

Greetings to all the talented iFixit translators on Meta!

We want to express our heartfelt gratitude for your active participation in the recent survey. Your valuable feedback has led to an exciting development - the creation of a dedicated space for you to connect with fellow translators and discuss all things related to translations. Allow me to introduce our new Translation Folder!

In this folder, we encourage you to engage in meaningful discussions about specific pieces of content, sharing your interpretations, and finding the most accurate and effective translations. Feel free to collaborate and reach agreements on using specific technical terms uniformly across translations. We're eager to see how you'll coordinate and work together as a group.

Moreover, we value your assistance in maintaining the quality of our platform. If you come across any translation bugs, spam, or duplicate content while contributing, please ping me (@sandrahiller), so that I can make sure they're addressed!

Thank you so much for your dedication and hoard work on our site. We hope the Translation Folder will enhance collaboration and lead to even better translations. We can't wait to witness the fantastic outcomes of your collective efforts!

Looking forward to seeing you thrive in the Translation Folder!


@nick much appreciated!! But don't worry, we'd usually localize rather than merely translate anyways. Also, translators can go back and edit the original if they have enough reputation to do so :-)


@sandrahiller The main trouble guides are really old. It's been less of a problem with recent ones, as well as when I do big edits especially on guides I KNOW are a potential problem.

Of course that only does so much when I'm not aware of native terms in the UK that don't make sense here and vice versa. But that can be localized. I would say the troublesome ones are from ~2019-2020 but I also have been working on fixing some of these issues best I know how to for a few years as I do big revisions.


@nick That's great, thank you so much for keeping them updated and considering the different perspectives!


10 Replies

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@sedorr You may be interested in this folder :)

@es_six same for you ;-)

1 Comment:

Thanks a lot :-)


Hey, quick question. What am I supposed to do, when I find an error in a Guide? I think I have found a mistake but I don’t know who to report it to, how even how. In the image below from this guide, I am pretty sure the first of those steps isn’t even supposed to be there OR just has the wrong picture because there is only one screw marked. In the second the steps don’t match the title.

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Hi @nichtmenschlich! Thanks for the message and your care for the details! I saw in the guide history that you found the solution meanwhile (which is for the ones who might read us later :) go to the original guide, open the edit interface and make the change directly in the according steps, so it can be reviewed by your technical writing team before going live). Thanks a lot for the guide improvement and all your awesome contributions to the iFixit community!


For those who are having difficulties finding the original: You have to switch the language of the website to English. Then the „Translate“ button will change to „Edit“ where you then can edit the original Guide


I was wondering if there was a solution to the problem I am having, or maybe some trick. Sometimes when in the original English version of a Guide something gets changed it doesn’t really translate into other languages. I found I can’t just press save and the Translation will be accepted as such, but I actually have to change something. I found myself changing some small things that didn’t really need changing instead, but that doesn’t seem like a suitable solution to me.


Hello @nichtmenschlich :) unfortunately, there is no better workaround for that. Adding small things like an "and" or a comma or something like that is the best solution for these cases...


Even adding a " ", (blank) ist sufficient.

by!+WDi7SS... It shows as 90% translated, but when I go into the translation editor, everything has a check mark.

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What’s the original language of this one? Is it German?


@nichtmenschlich Yes, it's German


I see. I had the same problem with a guide in English. I actually have no idea what fixed it in the end but I think as soon as it was accepted it was marked as finished.


@andrewsawesome @nichtmenschlich I've been trying to translate that guide for months now. Without success! Maybe you guys can figure it out ;-)


@oldturkey03 @andrewsawesome @nichtmenschlich there was an issue with circular prereqs - I went in and deleted the culprit prereq, it should actually work now!


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I don't translate but if anyone who does sees my guides and I chose wording poorly to a point it doesn't translate well, feel free to mention the guide by name and tag me here, as well as the issue you noticed. A lot of these are older guides from before translation became a big thing on this site where you could use US specific terms with limited issues and mostly get away with it. Being from the US, I do not always know where this has become a translation issue.


Same for me. I'm a native English speaker, and despite my many, many, many, many attempts to prove otherwise, my foreign language skills suck (so far I have attempted [keyword: "attempted"] to learn: Japanese, Mandarin Chinese, Latin, German [which I'm at least "decent" with], Arabic, Klingon, Spanish, American Sign Language [which I'm starting to improve with], Semaphore, and French [which I spent 7 years learning, and yet I can barely say a single coherent sentence in. No, really. "Sur la pomme, d'Avignon"]). I oftentimes just completely misunderstand obvious things, or my (seemingly) minor grammar errors end up completely changing what my translation means. Feel free to fix any mistakes I make (as long as you're willing to tell me why or how it's a mistake, because I still want to improve).


@shingle Haha! That's so nice of you! Rest assured: When we last made a survey amongst our iFixit staff, it turned out that Klingon was the most spoken language!!!


I know it’s probably done to not confuse people, but your German translation for „flush cutters“ is technically wrong. You translate them as „Seitenschneider“, which can refer to any kind of side cutters, but most commonly to larger diagonal sidecutters, used for cutting thicker flexible wire or solid core wire ,that don’t cut flush. Flush cutters would typically be referred to as „Elektronik-Seitenschneider“.


Thank you, I'll have a look into it! I always appreciate your input :)


We'll add that to the Glossary and change in the future!


;-( Buhuu... I just translated "Device Google Pixel 8" to german - and it swapped to Video Adapters - . Where is my translation gone? Can it be restored?

1 Comment:

Oh no!! I just searched for the device and found it, and in the search results, it shows the beginning of the German text, so hopefully the translation isn't gone.

I'll pass the question on... Let me know if the same thing happens with any other devices.


@mariaparker did you find a solution?


Not as yet, but Sandra filed a bug report, so sooner or later we'll know what happened and if your translation can be restored!


"Fixed" with disableCacheGets, so it's definitely a caching bug, but we're still don't have a theory for what the exact bug is. We haven't been able to reproduce this anywhere except for the first or second time it was noticed, so we'll have to spend a little time trying to repro and keep an eye out for another instance.


Happy New Year everyone and thank you so much for your participation here over the past months! In order to keep things tidy, I've started a new folder for 2024! I'll be happy to see you around there :-)